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    An Open Letter To My Facebook Friends

    Because sometimes I need a good rant.

    1. Stalking is NEVER okay.

    2. Don't Catfish!

    3. I only speak English and French.

    4. Stop posting racist crap.

    5. Stop tagging me in your personal posts and photos.

    6. Stop adding me to groups.

    7. I don't like being poked!

    8. I don't understand group private messages. Or spam. Please stop.

    9. Quit it with the cyber games invites.

    10. I post controversial articles because I care about what happens in the world.

    11. Don't Facetime me. I'm usually doing something else.

    12. Stop sending me photos. I don't care what you look like.

    13. Facebook was designed to isolate us from our humanity and each other.

    14. Some days are like this:

    15. Because I used to look like this:

    16. But I don't care if I get old, am still single and look like this:

    17. I post quotes, song lyrics, music, good news, and positive affirmations on my timeline. I try to inspire others.

    18. I am a firm believer in 1950s chivalry. Minus the patriarchy.

    19. But I also believe girls need to be taught how to become strong, independent, classy women.

    20. Sometimes after reading my newsfeed, I think:

    21. By the way, about that guy...

    22. Knowledge is power so:

    View this video on YouTube

    (It's the clean version.)

    23. I love to read and write poetry. Sometimes I write other stuff.

    24. One day I'll get over myself and finish a manuscript.

    25. Cultivate manners. They are extremely important.

    26. Bookshelf Porn is the only porn site I'm addicted to. I love to read.

    27. I'm sapiosexual.

    28. One day I want someone to say this to me:

    29. And this:

    30. My cat is incredible and everyone should know it.

    31. I don't eat meat. I could go on and on about the many causes I believe in, but I rant enough about them on Facebook.

    32. Changing the world starts with just one person. You.

    33. Such a small idea can grow really big really fast.

    34. It all starts with you and me.

    View this video on YouTube

    Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror

    35. I'm done dispensing free therapy and psychic sessions to Facebook friends.

    36. Because I feel too much.

    37. And I care too much about everyone and everything. Do you?

    38. Some of your posts traumatize me. To you, they're funny, but...

    39. Just because I'm 30 and unmarried doesn't make you Prince Charming or Jay Z.

    40. I am not afraid to speak my mind.

    41. Never lose your inner child.

    42. People like this tend to be entitled sociopaths. I steer clear.

    43. Dancing is good for the soul.

    44. I don't care if you defriend me. It's Facebook, after all.

    45. I try not to spend my life on Facebook. Even if I am logged in.

    46. To all my friends, including those I haven't yet had the pleasure of conversing with: