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How Well Do You Know Australia Actually?

No, you may not use Google Maps.

  1. 1. In which state is the most northerly point?

  2. 2. The most northerly point is?

  3. 3. The most southerly point on the mainland is in?

  4. 4. The most southerly point is?

    Flickr: stephrev / Creative Commons
  5. 5. At 7.7 million square km, Australia's land mass is?

    Postcard / imgur.com
  6. 6. At 2228m, the highest point on the mainland is?

    Flickr: splatt / Creative Commons
  7. 7. At 15 metres below sea level, the lowest point is?

    Benjamin Jakabek / Creative Commons
  8. 8. At 3,490m the highest point on Australian territory is?

    Google Maps
  9. 9. How much of Australia's land mass is classed as desert?

    Flickr: jwbenwell / Creative Commons
  10. 10. At 348,750 square km Australia's largest desert is?

    Jacques Descloitres / NASA
  11. 11. The world's largest monolith is?

    Flickr: paolo_rosa / Creative Commons
  12. 12. At 2508 km, Australia's longest river is?

    Flickr: dittmars / Creative Commons
  13. 13. Excluding the state of Tasmania, Australia's largest island is?

    Landsat 7
  14. 14. The world's largest sand island is?

    Flickr: enjosmith / Creative Commons
  15. 15. And which state has the most islands – 3747 in total?

    Flickr: rikpiks / Creative Commons
  16. 16. At 268m, Australia's highest waterfall is?

    Flickr: tm-tm / Creative Commons
  17. 17. At 5,896,500km, Australia's largest state or territory is?

  18. 18. Excluding offshore islands, Australia has how many kilometres of coastline?

    Flickr: daveclarkecb / Creative Commons
  19. 19. With an annual average rainfall of 4,279mm, the wettest town in Australia is?

    Flickr: johnske / Creative Commons
  20. 20. With a record 50.7°C (123.3 F), the "driest town in the driest state of the driest continent" is?

    Flickr: neeravbhatt / Creative Commons

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