Here's How Shit Australia Looks To A Visiting British Person

    Creator of bestselling book Shit London hits Oz. Slightly less shit than home.

    This is Patrick Dalton. He's the creator of the blog, book and Twitter phenomenon Shit London.

    He recently spent time in Australia researching his latest book Greetings From Oz.

    "Shooting a book in Oz was an interesting experience compared to London or New York," Dalton told BuzzFeed.

    "Australia (despite this being blindingly obvious to anyone who has ever looked at a map) is surprisingly huge when you get there. That’s one giant country!"

    "Also (and I’d be lynched at home for saying this) Australia is distinctly less shit and run down than London."

    "It’s pretty damned clean and well ordered which made my job that much harder."

    "Saying that, Melbourne was easily the most graffitied city I’ve ever visited."

    "Darwin had a pleasing weirdness about it which I really dug…does the the NT Times only publish stories about Crocs?!?!"

    So, in conclusion, Australia is not as shit as the UK. You probably knew that already right?!

    But it's still full of some pretty random stuff right?!

    Would you like some red sauce with that?

    Fish & Chips that will get you arrested.

    Please Use The Toilets.

    Keep your equipment inside your Budgie Smugglers.

    Keep your Penis Hand off the flusher.

    Would you like a longneck sir?

    Properlery protectected.

    A lovely spot to while away a few hours.

    Greetings From Oz is out now. Buy here.