19 Mind Bending Illusions That Won't Make Sense The First Time

    Mind-bending GIFs via this Reddit.

    1. This car heading for disaster.

    2. This mop that looks like a dog.

    3. This odd one out.

    4. This ultimate takedown.

    5. This masterpiece: Cover the middle and you go faster, cover the outside and you go slower.

    6. This crazy floating cube.

    7. This rather ingenious commercial.

    8. These rotating circles. Just don't focus on one dot!

    9. These rotating discs that appear to change direction when you look at them.

    10. This amazing gymnast.

    11. This beautiful journey.

    12. This Thai wave.

    13. This stand-up hero.

    14. This spray can illusion with a twist.

    15. These candles.

    16. These dragons.

    17. This horrible trick.

    18. Whatever the hell this is?!

    19. And this GIF. What's not to like?!