This New Ad Campaign Is The Most NT Thing You've Ever Seen

    CU in the NT indeed.

    A new (unofficial) ad campaign for Australia's Northern Territory has just gone live, and it's quite the message.

    People liking the CU in the NT Facebook page were pretty amused, and got to work tagging their mates.

    The NT News, Australia's best newspaper, spotted the new campaign and LOST ITS MIND.


    While apparently quite similar in theme to the actual official NT Tourism website and social account, the unofficial "NT Official" page has been careful not to infringe the official org's trademarked logos.

    Confusing right?!

    The typography plays off the iconic official NT Tourism logo:

    "Tourism NT has no connection, and is no way affiliated with the CU in the NT website or Facebook page or any of their promotions," a NT Tourism spokeswoman told BuzzFeed News.

    As well as a slick Facebook page, the unofficial website offers a range of t-shirts and singlets for the Northern Territory love in your life.

    Contacted by BuzzFeed News, "NT Official" claimed to be an "independent underground campaign designed to bring attention to the unique Northern Territory."

    A spokesperson for CU in the NT told BuzzFeed News the group "have a team based all over Australia. Some of us are true blue born and bred Territorians 😀."

    "All of us have lived in the NT at one point or another and we all love the place. How can you not?"

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