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    Presidential Candidates As 2016 College Students

    How we think the Presidential Candidates would be as college students in 2016. Who is going to graduate in four years and who is going to call for another round of beers?

    Donald Trump - THE FRAT STAR. Don't mess with his social life!!

    Hillary Clinton - GOOD GIRL GONE BAD. Comes off as a goody goody but by night can be caught taking body shots at the bar.

    Ted Cruz - BALLIN' ON A BUDGET COLLEGE STUDENT - Holds a minimum wage job, but you wouldn't know that! Always shows up to the party with fifth of Grey Goose in hand.

    John Kasich - THE WEEKENDER. That student who is always present for class, but cant wait to go home every weekend. "ahhh, home sweet home!"

    Bernie Sanders - YOUR HOMIE IN CLASS. Comes in clutch with the Quizlet study guide right before the test

    Donald Trump - THE LADIES MAN. Always checking himself out and fixing his hair. Can be found with a different girl by his side everyday.

    Hillary Clinton - THE OVERACHIEVER. Always dressed up, never is caught without makeup, won't accept anything less than an "A"

    Ted Cruz - THE YES MAN. Has a longing to be #1 and popular but struggles to do so. He will do anything to gain the approval of people.

    John Kasich- THE NOCTURNAL STUDENT. Don't mess with him! He is always pulling all nighters and comes to his 8 a.m cranky.

    Bernie Sanders- THE SMART ASS. Always fact checking professors with tenure.

    Donald Trump - THE ONE UPPER. "Oh that's nice. But here is my thoughts." These people are especially hard to work with in group projects, believe in their way or the highway.

    Hillary Clinton - THE NOTORIOUS GOSSIP GIRL. "Did you hear what she did!?" We all know one of them... Constantly checking social media and always in everyones business.

    Ted Cruz - THE TASMANIAN NOTE TAKER. These are the people in class who are very anal and makes sure that they are not missing any information. --- That Cannot be normal!

    Bernie Sanders - THE NETFLIX AND CHILLER. Not the Neflix and chill you are thinking of :P. These people tend prefer chill nights rather than Raging the Night Away.