Ellen DeGeneres Is Pulling Out All The Stops To Get Beyoncé To Follow Her On Instagram

    "I'd ask her in person, but our Illuminati meeting isn't until next month."

    On Thursday's episode of her show, Ellen opened up about her love for Instagram and announced her new, admirable, (impossible) goal in life: To get Beyoncé to follow her.

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    She said, "I signed up for Instagram and I was just kind of fooling around."

    "I just thought, you know, I'll follow Taylor Swift, or Justin Bieber, baby goats, you know, just kid stuff. And then I started following a Kardashian here, a Kardashian there, and obviously that led to the Jenners."

    She said, "I spend so much time on Instagram that I noticed something interesting...she has over 100 million followers...she follows zero people. Zero!"

    That's when she announced her new life mission:

    To get Queen Bey's attention, she filmed all 400 people in her audience doing the "Single Ladies" dance and uploaded it to Insta.

    She then posted a second video of her waving (I think?) to Bey.

    As of right now, Beyoncé still isn't following anyone. But, just look at these two. It's a match made in heaven!