Ashley Graham Talked About Gaining 50 Pounds During Her Pregnancy And Mothers Are Applauding Her

    "Pregnancy is not one size fits all."

    Back in August, Ashley Graham announced that she and her husband are expecting their first child.

    Since then, the model has been open and honest about her changing body, getting very vulnerable with fans.

    In a new Instagam post, the 32-year-old shared once again, this time talking about gaining weight.

    "Throughout my pregnancy so far I’ve gained 50lbs," she revealed. "And the best part is, I don’t care!"

    "I have never felt better, and I am so thankful that my body and son have allowed me to be as mobile and flexible as I have been."

    "Between working out, yoga, acupuncture and lymphatic massages, I finally feel like I figured out this whole pregnancy thing and how to feel my best," she concluded.

    Ashley's post inspired other mothers to talk about their own pregnancy weight gain:

    And many, like Ashley, said that they don't care. As long as they're healthy, their baby will be happy:

    The comments were full of love and many praised Ashley for "how real," "refreshing," and "confident" she is:


    We love to see it!