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    30 Signs You're Overly Obsessed With "The Office"

    Don't be embarrassed, it's a great show.

    1. Dunder Mifflin, Scranton is like a historical monument to you.

    2. The seasons where Pam and Jim aren’t together make you frustrated as hell.

    3. But once you saw the season three finale, it made you squeal with excitement.

    4. Sometimes you feel a little stitious...

    5. Whenever you hear “Rockin’ Robin” or “Drift Away” you immediately think of Andy Bernard.

    6. Michael Scott has had a big impact on your habit of procrastinating.

    7. You’ve been wanting to go to Schrute Farms since you found out about it.

    8. You’re amazed by how much Ryan changed throughout the seasons.

    9. You’ve seriously considered getting a tattoo of a Nard Dog.

    10. When you’re lazy, you think you’re turning into Stanley.

    11. And when you talk too much, you feel like a real Kelly.

    12. And you know you're Kevin whenever you eat much more than you should.

    13. But don’t worry. You’re life will never suck as much as Toby’s does.

    14. Sometimes you really, really feel bad for Toby.

    15. You knew from the beginning that Holly was perfect for Michael.

    16. But you still love the Dinner Party episode even with Jan in it.

    17. Also because of Hunter’s horrible but beautiful song.

    18. It took you a few days to recover from Michaels departure.

    19. You have a very strong opinion on which of Jim’s pranks was the best.

    20. You have plans to watch Battlestar Galactica soon.

    21. You wish you’re school/workplace had a Movie Monday.

    22. You’ve always felt attached to Jim and Pam’s relationship.

    23. And when they started fighting you broke into tears.

    24. But you’re just relieved Pam hugged Jim back.

    25. Because you knew that they were meant to end up together no matter what.

    26. You’ve learned one thing from everyone in the office.

    27. Especially Michael, who always taught you to have a smile on your face no matter what.

    28. And Jim, who taught you to take risks.

    29. You can’t imagine your life without those perfect nine seasons.

    30. Because your life would really suck without that wonderful show.