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    18 Things Only People With Roommates Will Understand

    No description needed.

    1. Figuring out who drunk ate the last slice of pizza

    2. and filled the DVR with "Keeping Up With The Kardashians"

    3. Trying to get out of doing the dishes

    4. Wondering where all your clothes went

    5. then again, it's probably best not to know...

    6. Deciding whose turn it is to clean up last night's pregame

    7. Just wanting a little quiet time to take a nap

    8. or to do a little homework

    9. Waiting for someone to come home because you heard a noise

    10. or are just really bored

    11. Trying (and completely failing) to hide your one-night stand

    12. or make it to the shower while there's still hot water

    13. Getting overly excited when your roommates come home

    14. Having someone to test your new Pinterest recipes

    15. or to just cook for you because you are kitchen-challenged

    16. Getting picked up from the bar because you're "too drunk"

    17. No matter how annoying they can be...

    18. ...they're always there to wake you up in the morning.