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    Chrissy Teigen Started A Blender War

    While John was sleeping

    It all started when Amina went online to buy a blender

    Went on amazon for a blender and ended up buying @chrissyteigen 's cookbook

    Chrissy Teigen saw her tweet and offered to send her one instead

    Ima send u a blender dm me your address

    Then somehow Vitamix found out about this exchange and started following Teigen

    I DM'ed Amina that I would send her a Vitamix and literally 3 seconds later I got a notification saying @Vitamix is now following. SPIES!?

    Maybe the blender gods secretly used Twitter too

    Seriously are the blender gods reading our direct messages

    Vitamix then jumped in with

    @chrissyteigen Blender Gods, here! Not spying, we just love blending.


    That's why you need a #NutriBullet. @chrissyteigen 😬👍🏼

    And thus began the Blender War of 2016

    Oh shiiieeet BleNdeR WArrrS!!!

    Teigen tried to get something going between the two by asking each what they hated about the other

    @chrissyteigen We're not haters! All of us, loves all of them. 😉

    Teigen, seemingly unimpressed with NutriBullet's response, asked Vitamix again. BUT THEN BLENDTEC JOINED IN.

    @chrissyteigen Did someone say blender wars?! We're IN!

    That's when it REALLY began

    @chrissyteigen It's not a war when you already crush it. #NutriBullet

    Then Chrissy asked Blendtec for their response

    @chrissyteigen Crush it? We PULVERIZE it! Our blunt blade is 80% thicker & 30% stronger than any blade in this war.

    In the middle of all this blending drama, John woke up

    john just woke up from a nap and asked me what I've been doing so i was like uh taking care of the baby duh

    And then Blendtec continued to reply with

    @chrissyteigen Never had a safety recall. Never sent anyone to ER. #bluntblade


    @chrissyteigen Are they helping children get healthy like we are? @NutriBulletUNI 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋

    Joseph asked Blendtec about their blades and they replied with the support for tube-fed babbies

    @josephraiz @chrissyteigen Of course! Speaking of babies... we support tube-fed babies who would have no other way of getting whole food.

    And the fact that they can make soup REALLY quickly

    @Jenn74_liberal @chrissyteigen We make soup in 90-180 seconds, depending on how hot you want it.

    NutriBullet jumped back in with BabyBullet

    @chrissyteigen Did someone say @thebabybullet? We've got babies covered too.

    And there was no sign of Vitamix

    I'm really gonna need vitamix to step it up here

    Then Patience asked the important question

    @chrissyteigen it seems like @Blendtec is in it to win it. But how do they feel about Beyoncé 🤔🤔🤔

    And NutriBullet voiced their support for Lemonade and Queen Bey

    @chrissyteigen We're all about the lemonade over here! 🍋🍋🍋 #NutriBullet

    But Blendtec hadn't tweeted anything and Vitamix was nowhere to be found


    It all came to an end when baby Luna needed to eat

    Ok I have to feed my baby now. I feel really good about what we accomplished today guys