I'm Obsessed With This Video Of A Young Ariana Grande Nailing The Notes To Celine Dion

    "Put it from the beginning, Frankie."

    This be Ariana Grande. Duh.

    Yes, she's hilarious and a wonderful actor. Yes, she's an incredible vocalist who has quickly become one of the most famous singers around.

    Seriously...how does she hit those notes?

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    ANYWAY, this post isn't about how good of a singer she is. We knew that. Instead, let's turn our attention to this video of Ariana as a toddler, singing along to Celine Dion's "The Reason" in the car. Let's talk about that lung power.

    And like a true diva-in-the-making, she ordered her brother, Frankie Grande, to...

    See, that video was precious. But because it's the holidays, Ariana decided to bless us with another video. This one has her singing with her mother, Joan Grande, "Tell Him" — the '97 Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion jam.

    Alexis Rose knows what's up.

    Full disclaimer: My mom also loved Celine's Let's Talk About Love album and we played that CD in our car OVER and OVER again. Nineties' kids can relate.

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    Ah, Ariana Grande...always a star!