17 Things People Who Hate Seafood Know To Be True


    1. People are constantly trying to force you to eat seafood.

    2. Because when you say you don't like it, for some reason they think you just haven't tried the "right" kind yet.

    3. So you have to explain that you don't like the taste.

    4. Or maybe the smell.

    5. Or that weird feather-y texture sliding between your teeth.

    6. When you go out to eat, your friends get upset if you turn down the seafood place...again.

    7. And when you try to take one for the team, you have to study the menu to see what has the least amount of seafood in it.

    8. People are shocked when you say you don't even eat sushi because apparently, that doesn't "count."

    9. At one point in your life, someone might have tried to trick you into eating it.

    10. People accuse you of being unhealthy just because you don't eat seafood.

    11. And they'll even call you immature.

    12. Someone has invited you over for dinner but forgotten that you don't eat seafood.

    13. So you have to grin and bare it.

    14. Or freak out and accuse them of not knowing anything about you.

    15. You've taken a bite of something only to realize that it's filled with seafood.

    16. You've gotten so tired of people annoying you about it that sometimes you'll just claim you're allergic to seafood.

    17. But in the end, you know the truth: Seafood is the garbage of the ocean.