17 Infuriating Things People Do That Give Plus-Size Women Rage Boners

    Don't. You. Dare.

    1. When strangers who aren't even doctors try to give us medical advice.

    2. And when someone thinks that calling us fat is going to help.

    3. When someone tells us we "shouldn't" wear something like crop tops...

    it's ok, ur boyfriend can pull it off for me.

    4. ...or bikinis...

    5. ...or patterns.

    6. When someone tells us we're lucky if we find someone.

    7. When someone assumes we don't work out.

    8. But when we do work out we're made fun of.

    9. When someone assumes we're constantly on a diet.

    10. When someone doesn't understand how we can be confident.

    It's very telling, though, how some women hate that plus-size women have confidence and wanna show it off. Like, why does that offend you?!

    Just because someone else wouldn't feel confident at our size doesn't mean that we can't.

    11. When we say we want cute clothes too and someone says, "Well, just lose weight."

    12. When someone says plus-size women being happy is dangerous for society.

    13. When someone says they wouldn't date us because we're "big."

    i hate that fat is associated w ugly like why cant i acknowledge that im heavier, plus size, etc while still fully believing im beautiful??

    We could literally be the smartest, nicest, funniest person in the whole goddamn world but someone would still be like, "But you're fat."

    14. Or when someone says "You're so pretty for a big girl."

    15. When someone acts like being plus size is the worst possible thing for a woman.

    16. When we complain about bullying and someone says, "Why are you being so sensitive?"

    17. And when people don't understand that everyone should be accepted — no matter what they look like.