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    14 Facts About The World's Worst Roller Coaster

    It’s official, house prices are out of control. Working hard and saving for a deposit? See you in twenty years… Renting? You’ll be paying through the nose for a dingy flat share, so good luck with saving... It’s clear that something needs to be done about our housing crisis, but what?

    1. House prices feel like a roller coaster ride, which actually sounds quite fun, right?

    2. Wrong! It means most of us won’t have the chance of owning a home of our own. *Waves at house prices flying away*

    3. That's left more of us priced out, stuck in the rent trap.

    4. Why does that matter? Because rents are rising out of reach too.

    5. And to make things worse, our wages have stagnated, while house prices have shot up.

    6. In fact, you’d have to DOUBLE your wages just to keep up with house price inflation!

    7. Still not convinced?

    8. Here’s another thing – if food prices had risen like house prices then a four pinter of milk would be £10.48. Ouch.

    9. And a chicken would be an eye-watering £51.33. That’s clucking madness.

    10. A home of your own? It’s a distant dream.

    11. Thanks for that housing shortage. Really. THANKS.

    12. So what’s the solution? We need to get building more homes!

    13. Because we all deserve a stable, loving home, right?

    14. So, who’s in?