20 Stories About Twins That'll Make You Say, "Dang, If Only I Had One Of Those"

    It's like The Parent Trap on steroids.

    Let's be honest: If you grew up without a twin, chances are you've wondered what it would be like to have one.

    Well, my friends, now we no longer have to wonder, thanks to Reddit user mazimai, who asked Redditors about their most embarrassing twin stories.

    Here are the responses that prove having a twin can be really fun, and also...pretty weird.

    1. "I was going down an escalator at a casino. I looked across and saw my twin brother! I got excited and yelled, 'HEY BRO!' waving for his attention. Turns out I was waving to myself in a mirror."


    2. "My husband has an identical twin. When my husband and I got engagement photos done, Facebook automatically tagged my husband's brother in a bunch of our photos, and I posted them without realizing."


    3. "My sisters are twins. Their favorite story is when one of their boyfriends tried to show the wrong twin this weird-ass mole on his butt cheek. Both sisters are extremely squeamish, so he thought it was just her being grossed out. Unfortunately, my dad walked in on him chasing the wrong twin around the kitchen with half of his butt hanging out. He just turned around and left."


    4. "My dad’s friend is a twin. His friend lives in Chicago; his friend's twin brother lives in Boston. On the same day, both twins fell off a ladder and broke the same leg."


    5. "I used to do musicals. My brother came to a performance and went up to the lead actress after the show. He said, 'Great job, congrats, what a show.' To which she responded, 'Oh, I wasn't in the show. It was my twin sister. But you were fantastic.' To which my twin brother said, 'I wasn't in the show either!' And that's when the actual lead actress and I walked up wondering why they both looked so damn confused."


    6. "My mom is an identical twin. She and her sister were always dressed alike and hated it, so one year for Halloween my grandpa took my mom costume shopping and my grandma took my aunt. When they got home they were so excited to show each other their costumes, but when they came out of their room they were wearing the same thing."


    7. "My dad is an identical twin and he and his brother went to the same university, where they both majored in engineering. Apparently they used to take tests for each other, depending on who was most comfortable with the material."


    8. "My identical twin sister was dating the president of a fraternity, and during a 'date night' event she went with him and I was set up with one of his fraternity brothers. Towards the end of the night I got separated from my date, and my sister's extremely drunk boyfriend put his arm around me and leaned in for a kiss (it was super dark, so I think it was an honest mistake). I backed up to set the record straight, and he asked if I was down for a threesome. With my twin sister. I still feel bad for ditching my date but I had to get out of there ASAP. Ew ew ew."


    9. "My ex was once scrolling through FB and said, 'You look really hot in this photo.' It wasn't me."


    10. "My mum and aunt are identical twins. One night my aunt and uncle came over for dinner and my aunt was in the kitchen when my stepdad came in, hugged my aunt from behind, and kissed her neck. All my aunt said was, 'Wrong sister.' Everyone thought it was hilarious but my stepdad was very apologetic and embarrassed for a long time."


    11. "Years ago I dated a twin out of a set who often didn't get along. They went to the same college, started out in very different majors, but both ended up in electrical engineering. By graduation they were dead set on leading separate lives, and didn't tell each other where they were interviewing. On the first day at his new job several states away, my twin was shown to the cube where his desk was. His brother was seated six feet away."


    12. "I was with my fraternal twin brother at the supermarket this one time, and judging from this story I’m guessing that obviously we look the same from the back, but not exactly the front (since I’m a female). My brother’s girlfriend was shopping at the same store that day and came up behind me, smacked my bottom, and said, 'Hey love.' I jokingly turned around and said it back. The look on her face made me regret what I did..."


    13. "I dated an identical twin in high school. Her sister had recently broken up with her boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend and his mom were walking through the park one day and saw my girlfriend and I kissing. Without the slightest display of emotion, she turns to her son and says, 'Ah, so that’s why she left you.'"


    14. "My twin and I went shopping for eyeglasses. We were in a store that had multiple massive rooms with different brands of eyeglasses, and spent roughly three hours picking our ideal frames, independent of each other. We sat down to pay and the teller said, "It's awesome that you chose the same pair." And sure enough...they were identical frames, one in white, one in silver. Out of thousands of lenses."


    15. "My little brother and sister are twins and both of them have multiple flat spots on their heads (not noticeable through their hair). Why? Before they were born, they would head-butt each other inside of my mother. The doctor said a lot of the kicking she felt was actually head-butts."


    16. "My wife went to high school with twin guys who ended up marrying twin sisters."


    17. "I went to a funeral of a friend’s father and had no idea that the deceased had an identical twin. It felt really strange to see the guy in the coffin seated at the front row of the church."


    18. "My friend went to see a play at a university with her identical twin. Her sister said that there was a shortcut to the theater by cutting through some class building. My friend didn't think that made sense, but followed along. Then suddenly, her sister opens a classroom door and says, 'Let's go in here.' My friend goes inside, and freaks out when she sees a bunch of paintings that look like her, completely naked. It turns out her sister had posed nude for an art class, and thought that would be a fun surprise."


    19. "One of my middle school teachers had an identical twin that was a men’s underwear model. At first all the students thought it was him and some Hannah Montana bullshit was going on, until one day he showed us a photo of him with his whole family."


    20. "I got pranked by my girlfriend, an identical twin, a few months ago. There is no point where a guy is more vulnerable than immediately after orgasm. Everything is drained. Knowing this, my girlfriend waited for that moment one morning. Immediately after I finished, she looked up at me, took a deep sigh, and said, 'Don't tell [her name]' while mimicking her sister's mannerisms. I freaked the fuck out and flipped out of the bed in what I can only describe as an emotional clusterfuck. It was only as I came to my senses I noticed my girlfriend giggling helplessly. I knew then that I was dating the evil twin."


    Note: Some posts have been edited for length and clarity.