22 Skincare Tweets That Are So Funny They Just Might Clear Your Skin

    My skincare routine? Lots of crying.

    Hello. If you spend every waking moment thinking about what to put on your face, these tweets are for you. Throw on a sheet mask and enjoy:


    me: *eats right, drinks plenty of water, does my skincare routine* my skin: https://t.co/ELezsaWeGC


    Nobody: Absolutely no one: Not a single soul on this Earth: Not even their mom: iNfLuEnCeR: “A lot of you have asked about my skin care routine...”


    Your fiancé gets kidnapped in a foreign country. You stay out till 2 am searching w authorities but eventually you have to call it and return to your hotel. Do you still do your skincare routine y/n


    everyone: make time to take care of yourself me at 3:06am having a mental breakdown in a sheet mask: Me time 😍💆‍♀️


    Me forcing myself to do my skincare routine while blacked out before bed https://t.co/UhX1Frq8PV


    My skincare routine is instagram filters. thank you instagram for making my life easier.


    "skincare routine pls" cry every night before you sleep and tap your tears in your tears have lysozyme which is an enzyme that kills bacteria and thats what im going to do right now im going to cr- i mean do my skincare routine


    my skincare routine is just listening to lana on repeat for hours


    Me after doing my skincare routine for a 6 hours and my face still look the same . https://t.co/5LUZEgqOU5


    my depression and anxiety on their break for the 30 minutes I have a sheet mask on


    My skincare routine just got a lot more interesting


    girls will spend hundreds on a full blown skincare routine and still struggle with their complexion yet men will have luscious hair and clear glowy skin and you walk into their bathroom and find this it’s so unfair https://t.co/ZJY5pFPzcz


    When you do skin care but your skin doesn’t care


    Your skin A man’s skin using a using a towel skin care used to clean routine his car and shoes


    Broooooo drop the skincare routine!!! ur face is so clear I'm tryna get like u https://t.co/Kyxlcu9wRM


    me: “i’m gonna skip my skin care routine just for tonight” that one pimple that’s been dying to pop up:


    me: hey skincare twitter: https://t.co/GK0ZABFvJn


    Tell the banana to drop its skin care routine https://t.co/zXvKiNYDBq



    My coworker has beautiful flawless clear skin and I asked what she uses to wash her face and she was like “umm sometimes i use the shampoo when i shower, its great at taking makeup off, the pantene brand.” i spent $85 on a skincare product yesterday. pretty bitches u win again


    ladies, if your skincare routine doesn’t include catching a fallen star and draining her life force to replenish your fading youth are you really doing all you can to keep your face smooth and radiant?


    me: what’s your skincare routine straight guy: