17 Times "Nice Guys" Proved They're The Absolute Worst

    What did we do to deserve this?

    Warning: This post contains violent, misogynistic language that, unfortunately, many women deal with on a regular basis. Read at your own discretion.

    1. This nice guy who knows the true meaning of "respect":

    2. This nice guy who probably should've stopped after the first message:

    3. This nice guy whose logic is the definition of cringe:

    4. This nice guy has definitely NEVER been weird to any of his female riders, EVER:

    5. This nice guy who really tried to guilt his way into "friendship":

    6. This nice guy who got called out on his BS and was genuinely surprised:

    7. This nice guy who shoved someone, stole their wallet, and still expected a date:

    8. This nice guy who proved men have been pulling this entitled bullshit for 70+ years:

    9. This nice guy who got mad at someone for not disclosing their relationship status on social media:

    10. This nice guy who decided to shame women for having lives outside of "submitting" to him:

    11. This nice guy who practically imploded when the woman he complimented agreed with him:

    Jfc from niceguys

    12. This nice guy who automatically labels you a "psycho" and "whore" if you're not interested:

    13. This nice guy who thought stalking someone's profile and being able to make a cup of tea were both sexy things to brag about:

    14. This nice guy who switched gears in a matter of seconds:

    15. This nice guy was like, "I'll put you on the back burner until the other things don't work out, cool?"

    16. This nice guy who probably doesn't tip and will Venmo you for 40 cents:

    17. And finally, this nice guy who took his compliment RIGHT BACK:

    h/t: r/niceguys