People Are Sharing Comments They Often Hear About Their Names And It's The Funniest Thing

    Have you ever been compared to a household appliance?

    Names. We all have 'em.

    And since we all have names, we all hear tired references, mispronunciations, and lame jokes waaay too often when we introduce ourselves.

    For example, my name is Shelby, and nearly every man I've ever met has asked me if I'm named after the Shelby GT Mustang when I tell them my name for the first time.*

    Recently, users on Twitter began sharing the most common things they hear whenever they introduce themselves, and it's nothing short of hilarious and cathartic.

    1. Like when you're tired of hearing the same reference for the 4,959,385th time.

    2. Or being compared to a household appliance.

    3. When you wish certain songs had just never been written.

    4. Or heck, even entire origin stories for that matter.

    5. Bonus points if your name happens to also be a month.

    6. Or a season.

    7. Sometimes, people might just use your name as a segue to talk about their pet.

    8. Maybe people mishearing your name is a totally common thing.

    9. And you've basically given up trying to correct them at this point.

    10. But then they take it to another level and compliment the other name, not your actual name.

    11. Or they just want to call you something else because, sure.

    12. Nicknames are fun, right?

    13. Except when they'd rather call you your given name, and it opens up a whole new can of worms.

    14. Sometimes your whole existence is belittled to a single food item.

    15. Or a video game franchise.

    16. And sometimes you're forever reminded that your name is "old," whatever that means.

    17. But hey, other times, the mistakes work out in your favor.

    For those out there with names: We see you, and we feel your pain.