Hating Side Parts, Saying "Flare Leggings," And 32 More Things Gen Z Does That Millennials Can't Get Behind

    Please, I need answers.

    1. What's with all the side-part hate?

    *Millennials liking Gen Z makeup trends* Gen Z: now about that side part-

    Twitter: @nottheworstmom

    2. Ditto on skinny jeans.

    why does gen z hate skinny jeans?

    Twitter: @nyapalpg

    3. Why is all the world a TikTok stage?

    Why do Gen Z kids do tiktok dances in the most random places? I was witnessing a whole dance off while waiting in line at a grocery store

    Twitter: @brownnipgal

    4. Like seriously, why all the dancing?

    why the heck do gen z kids dance when we’re having a normal conversation 😭😭😭😭😭

    5. And then why is the lip-synching so weak?

    why does gen z lip sync at like 10% do u know what I mean

    Twitter: @laurDIY

    6. Why do you use the 💀 emoji instead of the 😂?

    Hello, Gen Z, what is the equivalent of LOL? Is just the skull emoji? Are we not laughing anymore at all? Please advise me.

    Twitter: @BrittRubinstein

    7. Also, what's up with using the sparkles emoji for ✨emphasis✨ every chance you get?

    why does gen z type like ✨this✨ now

    Twitter: @quartoporto2

    8. Why do you insist on documenting your pain?

    Why does gen z take videos & pics of themselves when they’re crying??? 🤣

    9. Why do you hang lights along your ceiling just for the ~vibes~?

    why does gen z have those pink lights along the rim of their ceiling

    Twitter: @oliviagatwood

    10. Why are your IG grids completely bare?

    Why do gen z kids always have a max of 3 photos on Instagram

    11. And why are your captions so cryptic?

    Gen Z be posting normal-ass photos on instagram with captions like "What are traditions but laws enforced by the dead" and that shit gets likes

    Twitter: @Wigbeats

    12. And then why do you insist that you're "public figures"?

    ok why do gen z kids reach 1000 insta followers and immediately gotta put “public figure” in their bio lmao go study for your Algebra I final or sumthin bb

    Twitter: @LindseyMasonx

    13. How come we're no longer allowed on social media because we aren't 12?

    Why does Gen Z think that after a certain age we shouldn't be allowed to have social media accounts? Social media is only allowed if you younger than 23 my babies? Really??

    Twitter: @simsimmaaz

    14. And then apparently you don't even wanna be there either???

    why does gen z romanticize times where there was no social media why dont u just log out?????

    Twitter: @Iibrart

    15. Why does the drip always look straight out of an '80s sitcom?

    Twitter: @maggiecomplains

    16. And why does it always look SO GOOD?

    Why do gen z girls all dress like this

    Twitter: @micky_pete

    17. Please, tell us how you somehow eluded the dreaded "awkward phase."

    Hold up, why are Gen Z teens so good looking?!?!? Sis and dudes glowed up even before turning 18. I hate it here 😭

    Twitter: @christiandof14

    18. Where does all the confidence come from?

    Why are gen z kids over confident and millennials fucking hate themselves idgi

    Twitter: @cabbagebones

    19. Why all the lip licking?

    Why are gen z dudes always licking their lips in videos? Get some fucking chapstick bruh.

    Twitter: @dustinphillips

    20. Why do you insist on calling yoga pants flare leggings?


    Twitter: @tayleighbae

    21. If you're gonna be emo, can you at least put some respect on our names?

    what gen z what it thinks the emo actually phase looked like looked like

    22. Why do your convos feel recorded?

    Why do Gen Z conversations sound like they’re talking to a camera instead of each other???

    Twitter: @alannalp

    23. Who do we have to thank for making dark circles a makeup trend?

    Props to gen z for making dark circles under the eyes sexy. Me and my atrocious sleep schedule thank you

    Twitter: @whatsupboosh

    24. Who's the ACTUAL main character?

    My cousin said rona didn’t kill her cause she’s a main character...I can’t with Gen Z

    25. Why do you take selfies below the chin?

    why do gen z take selfies from below at unflattering angles i don't understand

    Twitter: @azlan_izeah

    26. And why do you never smile in said selfies?

    Why do Gen Z celebs pose on Instagram like they’re in a Renaissance period painting? “OMG SO excited for Santorini today!!! I can’t wait!!” Also them:

    Twitter: @SwissArmyWife00

    27. Where are all these voice notes coming from?

    Why do Gen Z love sending voice notes? 🤔

    Twitter: @WesleyAdi

    28. Why are y'all walking around looking like a bunch of parentheses?

    Serious question: why do Gen Z kids have terrible posture? I just wanna roll all y’all’s shoulders back & pick up your chins.

    Twitter: @TheOnlyDetox

    29. What's up with your obsession with caterpillar brows?

    Why does gen Z brush their eyebrows so weirdly?? Sorry I just can’t get with this weird trend it freaks me O U T

    Twitter: @mel_tab

    30. Why do the '90s seem so appealing?

    why does gen z want to be in the 90s so much? It's like this idealized view of an era they really don't understand was not that great

    Twitter: @alainaboys

    31. What do y'all have against aging?

    why does gen z think ppl die after age 25 like your faves are in their 30s

    Twitter: @indecisiveIibra

    32. How are you all able to flame us with just a single sentence?

    gen z are fucking brutal my 16yr old employee said i “look like a person who doesn’t drink water” and it absolutely destroyed me because she’s fucking right !!!! why does gen z have this power of observation that does nothing but destroy us

    Twitter: @dolenzio

    33. And finally, why all this millennial hate when the true enemy still walks among us?

    Why does Gen Z hate millennials when boomers still walk this earth

    Twitter: @BouJae_

    Gen Z, if you have any answers, feel free to ✨ chime in. ✨