• Hey Hun badge

17 Jokes About Multilevel Marketing Companies That Are ALMOST Too Accurate To Be Funny

"Hey hun..."

In case you didn't know, multilevel marketing (MLM) company is a company that emphasizes both direct sales and recruiting others to work under you, so you can receive a percentage of profit from the products they sell as well. The people above you are considered your "upline," and the people below you are considered your "downline." MLMs have been around for decades, and there's been plenty of controversy (like the infamous Lularoe lawsuits) over the years surrounding their business practices. I should also note that MLMs are legal, while pyramid schemes are not. The main difference is that MLMs involve the sale of products, and in a pyramid scheme, no actual product is sold.

And now, onto the jokes...

1. This reminder that no matter what, you're never truly safe:

2. This spot-on comparison:

3. This pivotal foundation to ✨ Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss ✨:

4. This man who, yes, knows EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT:

5. This heartwarming tale of family bonds:

6. This scary-accurate pitch:

7. This poignant commentary on coming-of-age:

8. This stirring observation about the ever-ongoing pandemic:

9. This sweet perk that came with being the horse girl in high school:

10. This uplifting affirmation that it could always be worse:

11. This indisputable pipeline:

12. This storyline we've all collectively experienced:

13. This comparison that might be a little TOO accurate:

14. This card game that proves they just can't resist:

15. This actual reenactment of Becky right before posting in your  group about essential oils:

16. This meme that reminds everyone the CORRECT application of MLM 💕😍 :

17. And finally, literally you, reading this post:

h/t: r/antiMLM