19 Signs From This Past Week That'll Make You Laugh Wayyyyyy Harder Than Any Joke Your Ex Ever Made

    You've had a rough week — take a load off and giggle at these funny signs.

    February is here, and the funny signs just keep on rolling in. So let's take a moment and enjoy the best of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:

    1. "Is anyone curious about what 'more' is?"

    A "Badcock Home Furniture & More" sign lit up with "cock" and "&more" lit up

    2. "Brilliant!"

    Road sign: Slow down! There's a cruiser behind this sign!!

    3. "I’ll have the soup and salad, please."

    Handwritten restaurant sign: "Soup of the day: Whiskey with H20 croutons" with whiskey glass drawn

    4. "Everything happens for a reason…"

    Store sign: "Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is you're stupid and make bad decisions"

    5. "I really like this sign."

    "No eye contact / Penalty £200"

    6. "You are the solution to my problems."

    Handwritten on chalkboard outside store: "Hungry? We have food / Thirsty? We have alcohol  / Lonely? we have alcohol"

    7. "That car is a beast!"

    Sign on the back of a little car behind large trailer: "Be patient I'm pushing as fast as I can!"

    8. "The most useful sign."

    "No mobiles on the dance floor, please / It kills the vibe and makes you look like a boring bastard"

    9. "Words (pics) to live by."

    "Don't be a [pizza icon] [shit icon]

    10. "Take care of the beer like a baby."

    "You wouldn't carry a baby with one hand, would you? Why treat your beer any differently?"

    11. "Great advice."

    "Warning: Never put your fingers where you wouldn't put your dick" (with rotating metal blades)

    12. "Is that a sign or a philosophical statement?"

    "Please wait patiently for the failure of the system" below what looks like Chinest

    13. "Funny bar sign."

    Handwritten sign: "The average human walks 900 miles per year and drinks 22 gallons of beer, which means the average human gets 41 miles per gallon, not bad"

    14. "Always use the stairs."

    "In case of fire use stairs" with icon of person appearing to hold a stairway to attack a flame

    15. "His bark is bigger than his bite."

    "Beware of log" sign with chain attached to a log

    16. "Don’t wet the dry."

    "This is a hand dryer not a urinal" above what looks like a small urinal

    17. "You really should."

    "Employees are required to wash hands before returning to work / The rest of you should wash your hands too, but I'm not your momma"

    18. "Obvious sign?"

    "Caution: Fire is hot"

    19. "This sign is so right."

    Handwritten sign on chalkboard: "A wise doctor once wrote" followed by an indecipherable scrawl