Women Are Sharing The Worst "Nice Guys" They've Ever Encountered, And I've Never Seen So Much Human Trash In One Place

    "How dare you be rude to somebody who was being nice."

    Warning: This post contains violent, misogynistic language that, unfortunately, many women deal with on a regular basis. Read at your own discretion.

    1. This Nice Guy who thought he deserved a date simply because he bought a textbook:

    2. This Nice Guy who threatened violence the second he didn't get what he wanted:

    3. This Nice Guy who REALLY failed to see the flaw in his own logic:

    4. This Nice Guy who threw a hissy fit because being a stranger with a "mutual friend" didn't seal the deal for him:

    Text exchange in which a guy tells a girl how great she looks and can they hang out, she says she's not interested because he seems nice but she doesn't really know him, and he responds by calling her an "egotistical ass"
    The exchange continues with her saying "What," he says "Don't 'what' me, bitch," calls her a stupid bitch," and when she says just because they both know someone doesn't mean she knows HIM and that he should get some help, he responds with "Fuck off"

    5. This Nice Guy who harassed a sex worker for doing her job:

    6. This Nice Guy who actually suggested that a woman cheat on her husband with him:

    7. This Nice Guy who tried (and failed) to give a lesson on politeness:

    8. This Nice Guy who actually insulted someone's mental health and then said, "You're welcome":

    9. This Nice Guy got confused when a woman didn't like him quizzing her on her interests:

    10. This Nice Guy who just...kept...going:

    11. This Nice Guy who should never message a woman again (if he doesn't mind):

    12. This Nice Guy who popped up after five years just to remind us how horrid he is:

    13. This Nice Guy who threatened to find someone's address because they wouldn't blow him:

    Guy says he thought she'd give him a BJ because he helped her and how he could have found out where she lives in less than a day if he'd had bad intentions

    14. This Nice Guy who went from "Let's get married" to a total tool:

    15. This Nice Guy who really brought astrology into this:

    16. And finally, this Nice Guy who should be reported to the authorities:

    In conclusion:

    JK — don't ever be like this.

    H/T: r/niceguys.