Americans Are Sharing The Things They Dislike About American Culture, And It's Controversial But Important

    The USA certainly isn't perfect.

    Americans are sharing the things they dislike about American culture, and some points are controversial, but they need to be talked about.

    It all started when reddit user u/FlameDragoon933 posed the question in this viral thread. Pretty soon, plenty of Americans started chiming in with their grievances. Here are some of the most impactful responses:

    1. "Weddings. The entire culture of spending an insane amount of money to throw a mediocre, cookie-cutter party with everyone trying to outdo each other is just ridiculous."

    Anne Hathaway screaming in the movie bride wars

    2. "The government spending. We could be a utopia with a little bit of money management on the spending of our taxes, for god's sake."


    3. "People seem to think everything is a personal attack on them and that they're so oppressed or mistreated. It is getting pretty old."


    4. "The fetishization of backbreaking work, being stressed, sleep-deprived, etc."


    5. "The fact that healthcare is a privilege, and not everyone has access to it."

    Bernie Sanders saying "healthcare is a human right"

    6. "The entitled attitude. I have interacted and witnessed interactions with so many people who think they own everything just because they live here. The worst is the people who say 'go back to your country' to individuals who either were born here but aren't white OR people who immigrated because it was better here than where they were before. It really bothers me, and I constantly feel ashamed of living here because of it."


    7. "People mistake being loud and confident with being right."


    8. "I'm all for the right to own guns, but I hate how people treat them as toys and collector items. I think the spirit of the Second Amendment is that a gun is a tool you keep hidden in your home and hope you never have to use. The reality to many Americans is, 'Dude, check out the sick mods to my AR-15. Yeah it's my seventh one, but I just had to have it.'"


    9. "I hate the commodification of everything. Every hobby has to be a 'side hustle.' Like, I just want to play guitar. Why is there pressure to be a famous rock star? I like building things, but I feel the societal pressure to sell them as products."

    A woman saying "I'm just all about that hustle"

    10. "A lot of people treat the US Constitution like a sacred document that can only be added to or changed, and some people don't even want to do that. You talk about removing anything, even ones that are entirely unnecessary like the 18th Amendment (the Prohibition Amendment, the one that was repealed), and people throw fucking tantrums. THEY ARE CALLED 'AMENDMENTS' FOR A REASON. The Constitution was meant to be changed and amended, over time, and not kept as a static and immovable set of statutes."


    11. "Tipping. What kind of world is it where people have to live on tips? And then we tax the tips?! The whole thing is crazy."


    12. "We don’t mind seeing someone get hurt or killed on a TV show, but heaven forbid we see a naked body in a non-sexual way."

    A naked woman

    13. "Definitely gun culture. Mass shootings every week in every type of situation, so it’s a possibility anywhere you go."


    14. "People being rude to retail employees because of some very small inconvenience. I'm sure people are rude in other parts of the world, too, but we've got people calling the police because they're being told they have to wear a mask to walk into a store, or throwing a fit because they have to wait in line. You're not that important. Calm down."


    15. "Celebrity worship."

    Kim and Kanye pose on the red carpet of the Met Gala

    16. Also, "The general idea from society that normal women should look like celebrities or be compared to them."


    17. And finally, "The fact we think the world revolves around us. After moving abroad, trust me — it doesn’t."

    Grace saying "it's all about me" on the TV show will and grace

    Now it's your turn. What do you, someone who lives in America, dislike about American culture? Share it in the comments below.