Alexis Haines Re-Created Her Iconic Phone Call On TikTok And All I Have To Say Is Thank You

    "Nancy Jo, this is Alexis Neiers calling..."

    If you were paying attention at all in the 2010s, you undoubtedly remember the short-lived yet completely iconic reality show Pretty Wild.

    And by far THE MOST ICONIC moment of the show is when LA socialite Alexis Neiers (now Alexis Haines) left this voicemail for Nancy Jo Sales after Nancy Jo published some unkind and untrue things about her in Vanity Fair concerning her involvement with the infamous Bling Ring.

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    I'm not lying when I say I can recite this phone call in my sleep.

    Well, my fellow Pretty Wild fanatics, Alexis has given us the ultimate gift in this TikTok where she re-creates the phone call word for freakin' word. And let me tell you, she absolutely NAILS IT:

    She captures the emotion:

    She perfects the wardobe:

    She even gets HER MOTHER involved, complete with pink tracksuit and headphones:

    I mean...just...perfect in every way.

    But all jokes aside, when Alexis first made that phone call, she was dealing with severe mental health issues and addiction. She's since gotten sober, gotten married, become a mom, and even has her own podcast about sobriety.

    So Alexis, cheers to you for being able to laugh at yourself and for now living your best life!!! And again, thank you for one of the most iconic moments in pop culture history.