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    Death To Making Chocolate Covered Strawberries In A ICE CUBE TRAY!!!! One Invention That Is Not On The Market Yet

    Do you ever see those posts on Pinterest about using a ice cube tray to make chocolate covered strawberries. You think to yourself oh cool I would love to make that for my boyfriend but yet you hate the way it looks. You notice that in all of the pictures, the chocolate is cracked or shaped like a ice cube. I mean who really thinks that a strawberry will look good in a square?! NOT I! That's why I came up with a cool idea to make them in a silicone mold but it's the shape of a cone. More realistic right?!?! I mean the concept is cool and all but mine is so much better :) So I got work and started making my own chocolate covered strawberries using a tray that i invented! Oh yea this is one invention that is not on the market yet.

    A Chocberry Kreation Edition

    Waffle Cone!!!!!