12 Birds That Reflect Your Suspicious Feelings Perfectly

    We all have our suspicions, and these birds capture their essence flawlessly.

    When it's summer & you have to cover for your co-worker for the third time this week.

    That moment when you realize you might be getting cat-fished.

    When you think Bae ate your last cookie.

    When that co-worker smiles a generic smile at you and then quickly goes back to not smiling...

    When work is on caller ID & you know it's because they want you to come in again on your day off.

    When you notice that unfamiliar van with a tiny satellite on the roof parked out in the street 3 days in a row.

    When your partner did something dumb in your dream & you know it isn't reality, but what if your subconscious is trying to tell you something, and also, how dare they?

    When people you aren't fond of are whispering to each other next to you.

    When Carol compliments your glasses & you're not sure if she's being genuine or throwing shade.

    And finally, when someone acts nicer to you than usual.