This LGBT Activist Had The Perfect Response To Homophobic Comments On A Times Now Panel

    "I believe that India WILL rule in favour of equal rights for all people, irrespective of their gender or their sexuality."

    India’s Supreme Court just ruled that it would reopen discussion on Section 377, a law criminalising homosexuality which the same court had upheld in 2013.

    Harish Iyer, a Mumbai-based gay rights activist, was on Times Now to talk about the verdict.

    Despite the attacks, Iyer remained calm and articulate. When asked how he thought the 5-member panel would look at the ruling, he said:

    I personally think that the 5-member judge is going to look at it positively. I believe that India is a very tolerant nation.

    India is known for its plurality. India is known for its diversity. This diversity extends itself to different people, from different genders and different sexualities.

    Mr. Ajay Gautam and the BJP Government are free to prove me wrong, and to say that we are intolerant. But I believe that India WILL rule in favour of equal rights for all people, irrespective of their gender or their sexuality.

    Spot on.