17 Of The Coolest, Cutest And Wackiest Rangolis Indians Made This Diwali

    More like Di-wow-li, amirite?

    1. This perfect throwback to the good old '90s, when Cartoon Network was king.

    2. This Targaryen tribute to the most popular show on television today.

    3. This touch of genius that didn't even require any rangoli supplies to begin with.

    4. This rendition of Virat Kohli which I'm still struggling to believe is actually a goddamn rangoli.

    5. This intricate Hrithik rangoli that looks so good you can almost see his cheeks quiver with emotion.

    6. This recreation of the Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince book cover that will give you all the feels.

    7. This incredibly artistic depiction of the prime minister of India.

    8. This mandatory Pikachu rangoli, because 2016 was the year of Pokémon Go and let's not even argue.

    9. This Ash-Greninja reference which will make die-hard Pokémon fans extremely happy.

    10. Seriously, if I hear anyone saying "Pokémon Go is dying though" one more damn time...

    11. This brilliant design which will bring quarrelling DC fans together once and for all.

    12. This simple but earnest pledge of allegiance which would be enough to make John Terry proud.

    13. This autorickshaw rangoli that somebody kinda stepped on, but which still looks great.

    14. This one that's the perfect hack for everyone conflicted between celebrating diwali and halloween.

    15. This one, which proves that the minion craze will never die and we're all doomed.

    16. This one which is literally all my most-used emojis in a rangoli, and hence a tad unnerving.

    17. And this one. Just perfect in every way. Rangoli paradise. <3 <3 <3