Indians Don't Wipe Their Butts With Toilet Paper And Neither Should You

    Here's how you can save a shit ton of trees. H/t: Homegrown.

    The "post-poop toilet paper vs. water to wash your bums" debate has enthused hygiene aficionados for quite a while.

    This article by Homegrown put the facts together to show why Indians have probably been doing it right all along.

    Reportedly, nearly 270,000 trees are dumped in landfills every day. And about 10% of this is due to toilet paper.

    The average annual TP consumption per household is around 20,000 sheets, or about a hundred rolls per year.

    And to top it off, the paper might even clog the sewer system in your house from time to time.

    But there's an easy solution to it all.

    How many trees do you kill when you disinfect your derriere with water? ZERO. MATH. BOOM.

    How many toilets get clogged annually due to water? ZERO. ARITHMETICS. AMAZING.

    And yes, if everyone converted to a TP-free lifestyle, a lot more water might be getting used up in the john...

    But the amount of water used in bidets is reportedly trivial compared to the amount of water used in the production of toilet paper.

    AND it feels great. Toilet paper does NOT feel great.

    Bottom line is, switch to water for your posterior polishing needs, and save a SHIT TON of trees.

    Keep on sprayin', India. You're doing it right.

    Read the original article by Homegrown here.

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