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13 Fascinating Maps That'll Change The Way You See India

Amongst many other facts, find out which states take longest to jerk off.

1. Here's an amazing map that shows the populations of Indian states, and the country closest to the same number of people.

2. Speaking of population, the shaded green area on this map contains the same population as the entire United States.

3. And here, in red, is the land area India’s population would occupy if it had the same population density as the US.

4. This interactive map shows the average time residents of each Indian state spend per visit to Pornhub.

5. While this one tells us the percentage of arranged marriages which are conducted without consent, broken down per state.

6. Let's roll back the years a little, and take a quick look at pre-independence India.

7. Now let's roll back the years a shit ton, and check out what India looked like way back in 1760.

8. According to this 2011 map, a lot of Indian households still don't have access to basic sanitation.

9. Interestingly, the data more or less coincides with this 2001 map showing the percentage of people still defecating in the open.

10. But it's not all bad. Here's a highly detailed schematic map of India's railway system – the 3rd largest in the world.

11. Here is a fun map that shows the most common suffixes for the names of places in different parts of India.

12. And according to this Redditor, here's what India's map looks like if you use Google Autocomplete to search for every state.

13. And finally, here is an author's prediction of what India might look like in the year 2040.