This Puppy's Reaction To Being Rescued After Being Stuck In Tar Will Make Your Day

    Happiest puppy ever :')

    Animal Aid Unlimited, a rescue centre in Rajasthan, India, uploaded this video of a puppy who was rescued after being trapped in tar.

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    According to their Facebook page, the 3-month-old puppy was found with all four legs stuck in a patch of road that was being repaired, unable to move.

    The Animal Aid team gave the puppy a bath with oil and water, till she was finally able to move freely.

    The team says they had to do the oil and water treatment four more times for all the tar to be completely removed.

    The puppy now seems to be doing well.

    But the sweetest thing about this entire incident is how grateful the little puppy is to the ones who rescued her.

    Great job, you guys!

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