11 Facts About India That Will Seriously Fuck Your Shit Up

    We have officially got to stop taking so many selfies.

    1. India has the dubious distinction of being the world leader in selfie-related deaths.

    2. 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India.

    3. This study of the 2014 CBSE Class XII exams shows that students with surnames like Shah, Gupta and Aggarwal tend to score higher marks.*

    4. According to data provided by PornHub, India's top five most searched terms while watching porn includes "Indian bhabhi."

    5. A majority of Indian billionaires make their moolah from their inheritance.

    6. This infographic by The Sun shows us how Indian men's penis sizes stack up against the rest of the world.

    7. Despite never having invaded a country, India is the largest importer of arms on the entire planet.

    8. India has the lowest cost of living index, not only in Southeast Asia, but the entire world.

    9. This state-wise study of violent crimes reveals how shockingly high the rate of crime is in Delhi.

    10. Here's how many times over we could fit the entire population of USA in different regions of India, in terms of population density.

    11. And this chart predicts how India will be the most populated nation in the world, eclipsing China, in only about ten years.