Here's What Happened When A Blind Man Saw His Family After Almost 15 Years

    I'm not crying, you're crying.

    A new video by Google India follows the story of Amit Tiwari, a resident of Jhansi who has been blind since the 9th grade.

    Amit, who is described as having a zest for life, has never been able to fully enjoy the family's important moments since he lost his eyesight.

    Amit was very close to his father, who always worked tirelessly to help his son. Amit's father passed away three years ago.

    With the help of the Niramaya Trust & the Tej Kohli Foundation, Amit underwent a corneal transplant, which enabled him to see after 15 long years.

    He was finally able to relive the family's fondest memories, and also saw his older sister on her wedding day for the very first time.

    Finally, Amit asked to see a photo of his father, at which point he broke down in tears.

    Watch the touching video here:

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