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    Welcome To The Dub! #Freshman #TeamStrength

    Get ready for two fun filled sessions with your Hawk Squad leader Shawn! This information is VERY important so make sure to BE PRESENT. Go Warhawks!

    DANCE! #JohnWall

    1. First Year Experience

    2. University Housing

    3. Dining Services


    5. Parking

    6. Campus Security and Safety

    7. Get Involved!

    8. QUIZ!

    What is your Facebook page called?

    What is the two day orientation program called?

    Who is featured for this year's welcome concert!?

    What are you part of when you live and take classes with the same group of people?

    What do I use to get into my residence hall and get meals at the dining facilities on campus?

    9. Reminders

    Make sure you know your Net ID and password!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Photo ID? UC 250

    Do a head count!


    10. LUNCH TIME!

    11. INTRO

    12. General Education

    13. New Student Seminar

    14. Academic Services

    15. ICIT

    16. Student Accounts


    17. Academic Advising

    18. Registration!! :)

    Academic Advising Report: AAR


    19. Tips for Team Strength

    Go to the quiet floors of the library

    Go to your professors' office hours

    Go to your floor events

    Keep your door open!

    Go to the nature trails

    Join at least one thing first semester!

    Create good study habits

    Don't be afraid to get help!

    Print your powerpoint slides that your professor puts on D2L

    Get and use a planner

    Don't be afraid to stay on the weekend!

    Print class schedules from your syllabuses

    Go to the FYE Office!

    Go to your advising appointments

    It's okay to change your major

    Don't be afraid to do a random roommate!

    Plan work and play time; they should never compete

    It's easier to do better early so focus on your GPA right away!

    Join the student organization associated with your major

    Elevator Etiquette

    20. QUIZ!

    What is the VERY first thing you are going to do when you get to the lab?

    What is the VERY first thing you are going to do when you login to WINS in the lab?

    What class do 90% of Freshman enroll in?

    21. Questions!

    D2L if time