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    The System Man!


    Monday February 2nd, 2015.

    Once you have put some time in, paid some dues, you deserve an honest break right? You followed the path that was set out for you, the one that seems like the best option. Maybe it was similar to this and maybe it wasn't. You went to school, inherited debt, got a job, got married, had kids, bought a house, inherited more debt and now you continue to work. Work, work, work. You do your job and you do it well. Monday February 2nd 2015 rolls around and we get pounded with snow. In my opinion, everyone should be able to stay home with their family and enjoy the day. Because we have public officials telling us that it is unsafe to be out and about due to inclement weather conditions. Also because many people deserve a break! I understand many people are forced to go to work. But if you are afforded this opportunity, don't expect anyone else to be working either. Bubububuttttttt how is the economy going to run smoothly if we all stay home? How am I going to get my tims coffee, or gasoline? I say deal with it ... The delivery truck doesn't make it to the store on time, oh well. Unfortunately people working in these sectors are not being paid enough, therefore they are forced to go to work, and their employer expects them to be there. They are likely faced with more stress than the rest of us who get the day off! So listen people. Don't always expect things to run smoothly because it's not a perfect system by any means.