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28 Facts About Sleep That Will Fuck You Up

Sleep sex and sleep texting are actual things, so now I'm probably never going to sleep again.

Sleep is equal parts fascinating and weird AF, and even though we do it every day, there's still SO much to be learned about it.

1. Humans legit sleep for around one-third of their lives.

2. You actually can't train yourself to need less sleep.

3. The belief that you can ~catch up~ on sleep is false.

4. Despite what some people may report, humans get better sleep when they sleep solo.

5. Sometimes people wake up in the middle of the night to find that they can't move their body.

6. The opposite is REM sleep behavior disorder, which is when people act out their dreams in their sleep with no recollection of doing so the next morning.

7. The amount of deep sleep you get usually starts dropping around 40 years old, and will have disappeared altogether by the time you're 80 to 90 years old.

8. MRI and PET scans show that some parts of your brain are more active during REM sleep than when you're awake.

9. There is such thing as sleep sex and sleep-texting and they're both forms of non-REM parasomnias.

10. You can sleep the entire night with your eyes open and feel perfectly rested the next morning.

11. New Jersey has a law that prohibits drowsy driving due to insufficient sleep, called “Maggie's Law.”

12. Partly because most times when people don't get enough sleep, they end up falling into microsleep without even knowing it.

13. On average, people can lose up to an hour of sleep per night if they go to bed with their phone in the room.

14. There are people who actually have "somniphobia," which means they're afraid of sleep.

15. That intense feeling of falling right as you've gone to sleep is called a hypnic jerk, and no one knows exactly why they happen.

16. Around 0.5 to 1.5% of the population is made up of naturally short sleepers, meaning they only need four to five hours of sleep to feel rested.

17. And 2 to 3% of the population are naturally long sleepers, meaning they need 10 hours of sleep or more to feel rested.

18. It's harder to sleep when you're at a higher altitude.

19. It's possible to stop breathing for multiple minutes while you're asleep, and not even know it.

20. There are a ton of things that could be contributing to how much you snore, such as sleeping on your back, menopause, and having ~soft~ neck tissue.

21. Sleep apnea was first cured by a machine that was made from a vacuum cleaner.

22. There are such things as cooling pillows and cooling helmets to help insomniacs get to sleep.

23. The National Sleep Foundation recommends sleeping in a climate of 65 to 67 degrees for optimal rest.

24. The reason you want a nap or cup of coffee at the same time every day is because our bodies naturally feel tired between 2 to 6 a.m., with a second peak between 2 to 6 p.m.

25. Light is the strongest environmental factor that decides when you wake up and go to sleep.

26. The ultimate nap length is 20 to 30 minutes — nothing more.

27. Up to 50% of patients with depression develop insomnia.

28. In other countries napping is a cultural custom and in some considered a constitutional right (brb, moving there real quick).

The more you know!