
Shannon M.

~*~ I was born in Portland and grew up in Mountaindale. I have been going through a season of change in the last two years so this a biography in progress. My passions are my friends, my 3 beautiful god children, the beach, cooking, music, traveling, theater, being spontaneous, laughing, reading, studying, seeking knowledge and making those around me smile. I'm a people loving, non judgmental, fierce fighter for those who are oppressed, slightly liberal viewed, God loving woman. I am slowly finding my way back to my faith and it's really becoming something that is very important. I will not make waves unless I have to, I'm very laid back. I will take only so much crap off off people and then I'll make my views heard, but you really have to push me into a corner to get me to react. I have no problem telling someone how I feel when I feel it's productive. If I get hurt by someone I withdraw and that is probably it, depending on what was said or done. I HATE DRAMA. I have no patience for stupidity, judgmental people, bigots, hate and intolerance. We need to love and have compassion for others. Hate and ignorance is what is tearing the fabric of our society to shreds.

May 2010
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