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    Thirty-Six Assumptions (Microaggressions) Not To Make About White People

    Please note by white people we mean white people who care. Regardless of the color you are, microaggressions are truly only damaging to those individuals who give a shit or feel entitled to give a shit.

    Assuming that all whites are born racist

    Assuming that all white people have the same culture.

    Assuming all whites have business culture

    Assuming whites were never enslaved in the same way as blacks (or they weren't enslaved by people of color).

    Saying people of color can’t be racist, only white people can

    Assuming that people of color have not committed any atrocities, only white people have

    Assuming white people taught people of color how to be racist and or slavers (so anything your people do is on them)

    Assuming that whiteness breeds terrorists

    Assuming white GENOCIDE is the answer to your problems

    Assuming that white CULTURAL GENOCIDE is the answer to your problems

    Assuming there's an epidemic of whites killing people of color in America

    Assuming that people of color can’t culturally appropriate from White people because Whites are their oppressors (or they can't appropriate from anyone because people of color are oppressed)

    Assuming that white people can’t be as offended as people of color by racism (original definition)

    Assuming people of color cannot silence white people

    Assuming you should report people for every little slight and bully them into giving up any right to free speech and opinion

    Assuming white people do not see they have a perspective if they don’t use an ‘I statement’

    Assuming that nothing can ever imact a white person as negativly as race impacts people of color

    Assuming that white guilt causes white offense

    Assuming that white people taking offense to precieved racism is a psychological disorder and your offense to racism is not.

    Assuming that all white people make up tales of sorrow to diminish their privilege over you

    Assuming that people of color can't have privilege

    Assuming you are qualified to judge a white individual's privilege based on what you can see

    Assuming whites should never be insulted when called racist

    Assuming that all white people need to identify as racist in order to curtail social racism

    Assuming that people of color cannot culturally appropriate from other cultures becuase they do not have power over them

    Assuming that white Americans are the only ones who have privilege when all Americans are privileged in comparison to most of the world

    Assuming that being pro-black or pro-anything precldes one from being racist

    Assuming that only white riots against people of color kill people when riots by people of color have also killed

    Assuming white people should automatically know all your triggers (and have the ability to learn them just be educting themselves)

    Assuming there is no such thing as white shaming

    Assuming that all white people, by virtue of their skin color, are not entitled to exhibit diverse cultural traits

    Assuming that all words and definitions in existence came from white people and it's time for language reflect your preferences

    Assuming your preferences are universal to all members of your race and you should be commended

    Assuming that a microaggression should be met with full blown aggression

    Assuming whitepeople are racist when they do not want to talk about social justice 24/7

    Assuming that all people who say “All Lives Matter” mean to ignore the plight of black people