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    What We Do - The Types of Companies We Invest in

    Most people are familiar with venture capital companies; they invest in businesses that are in the early stages of development. Most people are not however familiar with Christian venture capital companies.

    This is not something that you run into all that often but it is starting to become more and more common as people come to the realization that there is more to running a business than just making as much money as possible. What we do as a Christian venture capital company is to invest in businesses that have as part of their goal running a god centered business. That is we invest in companies that have a certain religious component to them. In many cases these are companies that would otherwise have a hard time attracting investors as they normally focus only on the profit potential of the business. We take a much wider view as we focus not only on the likelihood of profit but also on the company's ability to do good things.That being said we are an investment company and we do expect to make money with the investments that we make. There is ample opportunity to do this with companies that have a Christian focus. There are lots of businesses out there so we can be very selective about the ones that we work with. While the ensuring that the companies that we work with will advance the Christian ethic we never lose sight of the fact that it is a business and we do expect the companies that we work with to be profitable, we are not running a charity.One of the things that you do have to be aware of if you are going to invest with us is that some of the companies that we invest in will take longer to become profitable than would normally be expected by venture capitalists. Usually when the investment decision is made it is based in large part on how long it will take for the company to become profitable, in general venture capitalists don't like to have their money tied up for long periods of time. Because we look at the bigger picture when we make investment decisions we sometimes work with companies that are at an earlier stage of development and will take longer to become profitable.The question that we get asked a lot is why do we invest in this way? The answer is that it is our firm belief that business has a responsibility to society as a whole to make the world a better place; it is not all about making money. For this reason we have made the decision that we are only going to invest in companies that are committed to the same things that we are and are actively working to make the world a better place.