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    7 Answers to Your Relative’s Holiday Questionnaire

    How to turn the world's most common questions into something more than small talk.

    Holidays are hallmarked by the curious questions relatives have about school and your love life. I have considered handing out notecards when I arrive so that I don't have to rack my brain for a for a new answer to the same questions.

    "How is school going?" "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" "What is your degree again?" You know the drill. So here is my go to responses to the questions that often times lead to dead ends.

    1. Are you eating? You look so thin.

    Well, tuition includes gym fees.

    So thank you Central Washington University for making me not have to worry about remembering to pay one more bill and also not allowing for my weekend habits to ruin my figure.

    2. What are you learning in your classes?
    I've been gaining and practicing skills for the "real world".

    Time management. How to write a 17-page paper in a day. How to live off of Top Ramen. These are just a few examples.

    3. What's the most valuable skill you've learned from PR?

    Learning to network.

    I have been known for being the awkward ball of quietness, but college has taught me how to break out of my shell and meet people. Beyond the friendships I have created from this, networking is an important tool for my future endeavors and you never know what kind of connection you can gain through being nice to someone.

    4. What do you enjoy most about college?

    Having free time.

    I am not ever going to be able to have disposable time like this, and I also won't have the freedom of being able to see my best friends everyday. College allows me to have multiple nights a month filled with drinks and laughter until 2 AM, and I will always cherish those memories.

    5. What are you going to school for?

    To get a "big kid" job.

    Uh, who wouldn't be excited for their own desk with a cute, little name plate on it?

    6. Are you financially okay?

    Well, until I have to pay my loans back.

    Yep. As nice as it is to feel like school is free right now, and as exciting it is to be granted a pretty paycheck at the beginning of every term, the fun will come to an end. 6 months after graduation, I will have to start a payment plan. So right now, I am enjoying my new Macbook, but next September I will be just as excited for trips to the Dollar Store.

    7. Are you excited to be a college graduate?

    Honestly more excited about getting my diploma in the mail.

    The sense of accomplishment and pride in myself I will have on the day I receive my diploma is going to be a new high for me. There is nothing more motivating than knowing that if I continue on track, I will have a degree before my 21st birthday.

    As much as I want to drop out after midterms every term, I enjoy going to college. College has taught me life skills, brought me some life-long friendships, and has filled me with so much knowledge. A college education is so much more than being lectured to and learning about things you don't really care about. Getting through those four years (or however many years it takes you), is more about growing as a person, gaining skills that will help you in your future, showing you what your interest are, and also meeting people who are going to benefit your life. Maybe that's what I should just write on my notecard instead.