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    Reasons Why Working In Customer Service Sucks

    Read the title.

    Being told the customer is always right by your manager... when you know its incorrect.

    Having the customer ask a question about something when there is a sign about it that talks to them like they are five.

    People talk to you and treat you like you don't matter to the world.

    Having to simplify and repeat things a lot while trying to not let on that someone is stupid is really hard, but you learn to be a jedi master with it.

    Dealing with horrible people all day every day makes you change as a person... you don't see people in the same light anymore and start to react differently to people on a daily basis with EVERYONE.

    Having people be less than a foot away from you when they smell like they have not showered all week long and you have to smell them while trying to be pleasant and not let on that you smell them.

    You cannot say what you really want to say, no matter how awful people are- and sometimes you need to tagteam people so that you can handle the other twenty customers!

    People always seem to have an attitude when they open their mouths to talk to you... and you have not said or done anything to them yet.

    Having to deal with people while your coworker complains about dealing with people is really REALLY difficult. Or when your boss has you deal with them so they don't have to!

    You have to wait until the customers are not around and cannot hear you before you admit to your coworkers about how awful they were because they truly were that awful.

    Having to be decent to people who should not exist.