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    15 GIFs That Accurately Describe Your Biggest Fears At Your College Graduation

    Because nothing is scarier than falling in front of thousands of people while achieving a life goal.

    1. You're all just waiting (not) so patiently for your turn to walk across that stage.

    2. Then it's finally your turn to get that degree... but don't get cocky!

    3. Because you wouldn't want to fall in front of all those people.

    4. So just concentrate: I will not fall, I will no..

    5. That's okay, you finally got your diploma!

    6. ...but hold onto it tight!

    7. Maybe you should just hurry back to your seat...

    8. Okay, just sit and mind your own business... It can't get any worse than it already is, right?

    9. Oh look! Someone else just fell!

    10. Bet you regret that, don't you?

    11. Trying to find your friends and family after the ceremony? You might fall then too.

    12. Look! There's mom and dad!

    13. But none of that matters. You're a college graduate!

    14. And if you do fall, just make the best of it.

    15. Oh yeah! Did we mention that you don't even get your diploma at graduation?