
See O.

D: I've been called a sadist, a masochist, a nymphomaniac. I've been told that I don't reflect the way I dress, and the way my voice sounds. *Grins* I've been told that I need to get out of my own personal bubble of fantasy. .____. I'm sorry, I like it better here, kthx. I'm a partial Grammar Nazi. C: I love my puppy more than most of my friends, and I would physically hurt anyone if they did anything to my puppy. >:o I may laugh and joke, but you'll never know that one secret I can never tell my fam'ly. :c I am secret slash shipper. Semikindasorta. I have a strange and frightening obsession with LJ memes, liek ttly wow. dA rocks my socks. So does PapaJin // BehindInfinity. I SUPPORT LGBT RIGHTS. *Cheers* I believe that Sarah Palin should die. Srsly. I lack much, much sleep. I hate DLSU, I hate AdMU moar. Maybe. Ionno. I can Tupperware anyone insanely well. Hell, they won't even know it even if I screamed at them. *Airheads* Lawl. I'm a gamer. Addict. Yeahr. I hate Filipino. >:O It's horrid and must burn in Hell. Along with Sarah Palin. And the homophobes. And biphobes.

Apr 2009
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