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    Say No To Shell's Arctic Drilling

    Today, Shell's drilling rig was starting to head towards the Arctic. The Seattle Kayaktivists were there to stop them.

    Shell's drilling rigs are set on their way to the Arctic.

    The drill was first planned to be done in 2012, but was postponed due to some problems and a lawsuit.

    This drill is especially important, as scientists say that all the oil under the Arctic, should STAY under the Arctic, or else, our future is doomed. The climate change will grow even faster; with the California drought, storms, and the pollution that exists already, that isn't good news, at all.

    Greenpeace's hastags, #ShellNo, #SaveTheArctic & #PeopleVsShell, are growing.

    This is serious, people.

    So people of the world, please sign the petition made by Greenpeace.

    If they spill, it won't be the first.

    This article was NOT endorsed by Greenpeace, or any site linked above, just a tiny bit of information raise awareness, as I only have Buzzfeed as a social networking account. I will take this down if I get a warning.