Windows 95 Predicted That We Would Use The Internet To Search For Cats

    This post might feature Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry.

    Last week The Atlantic wrote about how this Windows 95 video guide is the most 90s thing ever.

    Have you ever thought to yourself "what's the most 90s thing that could ever feasibly exist"? Well, wonder no more.

    In the post they included the full video guide. You have to watch it. You must. Why? Because as well as all of the bad jokes, Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry banter and incredibly dated computer instructions, there's a segment on how to search for cats on the internet on Windows 95. That's right. They predicted this internet cat lark.

    This is how they thought we would look for cats.

    View this video on YouTube

    1. Firstly you log on to the MSN Network.

    2. Then click on the 'Pets' section.

    3. Then click on 'Cat Owner's Photos' to see pictures that other internet users have uploaded to the internet. There's galleries of this stuff.


    Thank you Windows 95.

    Without you the internet is nothing.

    I feel sorry for dogs. They learnt to fetch newspapers, but newspapers are dying. Killed by an internet driven by cats.