What Life Is Like When You're 18 Vs. What Life Is Like When You're 25

    Age 18: "OMG I got such amazing grades" Age 25: "What were my grades again?"

    1. How much of a lightweight you are.

    2. What you consider to be a "big night".

    3. What you think of the latest chart hit.

    4. What you think of children's television.

    5. How you feel when purchasing food.

    6. Your relationship with your parents.

    When you're 25 you feel so much more guilt when you ask though.

    7. How you treat your examination results.

    You just guess what grades you got in every job interview.

    8. The state of your kitchen sink right now.

    But look, it's a bit cleaner. There are no pans in the sink on the right.

    9. What you know about pensions.

    10. Your best friend.

    11. How much money you have in your bank account.

    12. How you "pull".

    13. And where you are at 12pm on a Sunday.