Betty The Teacher Is The Best Goddamn Character In "The OA"

    Don't read this post until you've at least finished the SEVENTH episode.

    Betty (Phyllis Smith) is a fucking awesome character in The OA and we need to give her more credit.

    1. She can be mightily sassy when she wants to be.

    2. She certainly knows how to make an entrance.

    3. She developed so much as a character in The OA, starting with this scene (one of the best ones IMHO).

    4. The fact that she tried to believe Steve, despite him being so much of a dick, is really quite admirable.

    5. You can tell that she gives a shit about the pupils she teaches, just like a teacher that you had.

    6. But she doesn't always stick to the rules.

    7. And she will always be a teacher at heart.

    8. She had the best excuse to end a phone call.

    9. Out of everyone in The OA who had a backstory, I cared about hers an awful lot.

    10. And then she made the ultimate sacrifice to save Steve, when he was on his way to military school.

    11. Betty, you're pretty damn awesome.