16 "This Morning" Innuendos That Absolutely Ruined The Presenters

    With innuendos like: "You can't tell when it has gone in because it's so smooth."

    1. When they plugged this upcoming feature.

    2. When Holly tried this delicious seasonal drink.

    3. When Holly was talking about using toothpaste.

    4. When they came back from an ad break.

    5. When Phillip was chatting about kitchen blenders.

    6. When a "real life" Sherlock Holmes was on the programme and had finished revealing Philip's secrets.

    7. When the presenters milked a digital cow live.

    8. When Holly wasn't that keen on eating seafood.

    9. When Ben and Holly watched a clip when Holly did some welly wanging:

    10. When Phillip introduced this WTF feature.

    11. When Holly introduced this ridiculous game.

    12. When Phil fell apart because of this band name.

    13. When Fern uttered this famous line on the show.

    14. Only for Holly to mention it again years later.

    15. When Tom from McFly was holding a cat.

    16. When they chatted about the TV show Through the Keyhole and things got real strange real fast.