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    The EVOLUTION Of FILM In 3 Minutes

    The following montage chronicles the evolution of film from its conception in 1878 by Edward J. Muybridge to the Lumiere brothers in 1895. Georges Melies a trip to the moon in 1902 was a total game changer and from there we go to the first theatrical releases starting in 1920-2014 ... this portion of the montage is chronological.

    the EVOLUTION of FILM in 3 minutes / Via I edited the montage together using clips I downloaded off of YouTube.

    This montage began as a labor of love and quickly became an obsession of mine. Many days and hours were spent researching clips, downloading and editing. This could not have been possible without the complete and total encouragement from my wife Tiffany ... you rock!

    The following montage chronicles the evolution of film from its conception in 1878 by Edward J. Muybridge to the Lumiere brothers in 1895. Georges Melies a trip to the moon in 1902 was a total game changer and from there we go to the first theatrical releases starting in 1920-2014 ... this portion of the montage is chronological.

    There are some notable films which are absent from the montage such as the Great Train Robbery (1903), The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906) and Birth of a Nation (1915). These and many others were either impossible to find or did not fit in with the creative direction of the montage. There is also a Dumb and Dumber (1994) dancing clip between Tropic Thunder and 500 Days of Summer ... this was intentional I assure you.


    1878 - Eadweard J. Muybridge - Pioneer of Motion Photography

    1895 - Auguste & Louis Lumière- Sortie des Usines Lumière à Lyon

    1902 - A Trip to the Moon - Viaje a la Luna - Le Voyage dans la lune - Georges Méliès

    1920 -The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari

    1921 - 'The Kid' - Charlie Chaplin

    1922 - NOSFERATU

    1923 - Harold Lloyd's SAFETY LAST!

    1924 - Sherlock Junior

    1925 - Gold Rush

    1926 - The General

    1927 - The Jazz Singer

    1928 - Steamboat Bill. Jr

    1929 - The Broadway Melody

    1930 - All Quiet on the Western Front

    1931 - Frankenstein

    1932 - Horse Feathers

    1933 - Duck Soup

    1934 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    1935 - Bride of Frankenstein

    1936 - Modern Times

    1937 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    1938 - The Adventures of Robin Hood

    1939 - The Wizard of Oz

    1940 - The Great Dictator

    1941 - Citizen Kane

    1942 - Casablanca

    1943 - Phantom of the Opera

    1944 - National Velvet

    1945 - The Lost Weekend

    1946 - The Best Years of Our Lives

    1947 - Out of the Past

    1948 - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

    1949 - The Third Man

    1950 - Cinderella

    1951 - A Streetcar Named Desire

    1952 - Singing in the Rain

    1953 - Roman Holiday

    1954 - Seven Samurai

    1955 - Rebel Without a Cause

    1956 - The Searchers

    1957 - The Bridge on the River Kwai

    1958 - Vertigo

    1959 - North by Northwest

    1960 - The Apartment

    1961 - West Side Story

    1962 - The Man who shot Liberty Valance

    1963 - The Great Escape

    1964 - Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    1965 - Thunderball

    1966 - The Wild Bunch

    1967 - The Graduate

    1968 - 2001 A Space Odyssey

    1969 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    1970 - The Aristocats

    1971 - The French Connection

    1972 - Deliverance

    1973 - The Exorcist

    1974 - Chinatown

    1975 - Jaws

    1976 - Rocky

    1977 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    1978 - Superman

    1979 - Apocalypse Now

    1980 - Airplane

    1981 - Raiders of the Lost Arc

    1982 - E.T: The Extra Terrestrial

    1983 - The Right Stuff

    1984 - The Karate Kid

    1985 - The Goonies

    1986 - Top Gun

    1987 - The Princess Bride

    1988 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit

    1989 - Hoosiers

    1990 - Misery

    1991 - The Silence of the Lambs

    1992 - Reservoir Dogs

    1993 - Jurassic Park

    1994 - Speed

    1995 - Apollo 13

    1996 - Mission Impossible

    1997 - The Fifth Element

    1998 - The Big Lebowski

    1999 - The Iron Giant

    2000 - Cast Away

    2001 - Ameile

    2002 - Minority Report

    2003 - Kill Bill

    2004 - The Incredibles

    2005 - Batman Begins

    2006 - Children of Men

    2007 - No Country For Old Men

    2008 - Tropic Thunder

    2009 - 500 Days of Summer

    2010 - The Social Network

    2011 - The Artist

    2012 - Skyfall

    2013 - Gravity


    The Amazing Spiderman 2

    How to Train Your Dragon 2


    Edge of Tomorrow


    Captain America - The Winter Soldier

    X-Men: Days of Future Past

    22 Jump Street


    The Lego Movie

    Bad Words


    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    The Maze Runner

    The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Muppets Most Wanted

    Transformers - Age of Extinction

    The following is fan made. I do not own the music or footage being used and DO NOT intend to profit in any way from the montage above. I am just a movie buff promoting cinema and my love for everything film.